As usual, your reminiscing about stories is wonderful and literate, but your follow through to tie it in our current political cycles was simply brilliant.
You have succinctly stated in wonderful prose, what a fiasco our country is in because of the acceptance of lies and misinformation by the general public, but more importantly by the so-called guardians of moral compass, the press. The idea that today’s leaders get away with open lying, is abominable.
I’m showing my age when I tell you that the deterioration of our society as far as its politics is as low as it can get. I remember my days on the Hill in Washington when a sniff of what’s going on today would bring the wrath of God down upon the perpetrators by their fellow members in congress. Those days are gone because of the corrupt nature of todays politics.
Keep up the good work in chronicaling the events of the times in the literate way you do.
Fortunately, others feel the same way about the digression of morality in our politics. In today’s comics in the Projo, Crannkshaft, after seeing a political ad on TV, stated, “now they have truth in lying”. I rest my case.
Yes, you rest a good case, Paul. I remember when politicians had a semblance of class, character, wit, and wisdom. Your uncle, Senator Pastore, was one. My father adored and respected him. How many politicians are respected today?
And now we will get to what I believe may be the low point in my medical career; the appointment of Bobby as Director of HHS. If one, just one person dies because they might believe his anti-vax bull, then let those who voted for him hang their heads.
Well, Well, wountja know; a Texas measles outbreak among those unvaccinated. I believe 2 children have died.
My Pop's teaching, "Always tell the truth!" "There is honor among thieves, but even a thief can't trust a liar!" This is one of many teachings my Pop provided us with as we were growing up.
Thank you, Ed, for making a timely and salient point in our current setting of human behavior and reflexive reaction to threatening news, often resulting in the trivia of falling acorns. The “Chicken Little” reflex is usually a hapless but profoundly ingrained phenomenon in human behavior. While this behavior once served instinctively to help us survive, it now leads to unnecessary fear, poor decision-making, and the erosion of rational discourse, compromising our desired integrity. I find the lure of fear-driven narratives part of daily life, and throughout history, this human weakness has been captured in destructive, chaotic outcomes on a national scale. In today’s environment, misinformation is of particular concern spread by the shining oracle represented by the rapidly fear-spreading and forever-present cell phones that fail to facilitate the necessity to combat these tendencies; individuals must cultivate critical thinking skills, recognize cognitive biases, and develop a measured investigative mindset. However, these investigative skills take time to create. They may not be necessary, especially since we have access to a plethora of facts, figures, and publicly available information at our fingertips. If citizens were to follow current events, challenge corruption and hypocrisy, and expand their horizons to keep their finger on the virtual political pulse, a less hypertensive world could be propagated. Or, as in the words of Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski: “XI Thou shalt not be indifferent.”
Thank you, Werner. Your erudite note complements my piece perfectly. What you have written here is important, critical . . . "individuals must cultivate critical thinking skills, recognize cognitive biases, and develop a measured investigative mindset"
However, attaining transparency and understandability comes at a premium. It often requires overcoming the mysteries of our cerebral functionality, which may even lead into the world of numinosity if one permits such an intuitive leap rarely experienced. But that is a story for another day. Werner
Oh Ed. Our minds think alike. I do remember my mom reading all those children''s stories to me. At the time the significance of the story was lost on me. However, the story of poor Chicken Little is a strong metaphor for the values of which you speak. Now it all makes sense. I too, grieve for the loss of those values of character. The news media is much to blame but the biggest influencer of the misguided loss of integrity is social media. That so much misinformation is generated, passed along, and believed through social media without betting is astounding to me.
I pray that somehow we as a nation, and especially our leadership, will wake up to this rouse and return to the values that made this country one of common sense and critical thinking.
Yes, John, I could not agree more. As you, I blame the media for its coverage, or lack thereof, and for the mis/disinformation they spew out. But standing close behind and casting a HUGE shadow are our elected officials, hardly representing those who voted for them. Or so I believe. Unless, of course, those who voted are dis/misinformed. Shame on those so-called representatives, top to bottom.
The power of books open the mind, the heart, and the soul. I remain mindful of how they shaped my life and ideals. I, too, can't believe what I'm reading and seeing in the papers and on the screen. Today, a poll said 70% of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the government. I believe there no other explanation other than mass addiction nurtured by social media and implemented by bad actors affecting our country today. It may well be that the 70%, like an addict, may have to reach rock bottom before they realize the damage caused and begin the long road to recovery. May patience and compassion guide us.
When I ventured into politics, my uncle gave me advice. It’s very simple, he said, no matter what, always do the right thing. Can’t go wrong if you follow that simple advice.
Ed, yes, your grandfather planted a fig tree, which was a labor of love and surely it was returned many times over. The sky is not falling. We are stronger than that. A lot of noise out there and sometimes we have to tune it out.
I wouldn't tune it out, Peter. Just think, Bobby may be appointed Director of HHS. It will represent a low point for me. If one, just one kid dies because the parents believe Bobby, then many will be to blame.
Ed, I knew where you were going with this piece. Well done. I too am puzzled by statements such as we live in a "post-truth" world. A people who cannot tell the difference between truth and lies can be made to believe anything, and to do anything. Very dangerous indeed for a civilized society.
I used to enjoy Meet the Press…. It drives me crazy when a question is asked of politicians and the answer no where to be heard… instead a rant that goes on and on about nothing to do with the question….. or even worse, I set of “Alternative Facts” …. Thank you Kellyanne Conway!!!
As usual, your reminiscing about stories is wonderful and literate, but your follow through to tie it in our current political cycles was simply brilliant.
You have succinctly stated in wonderful prose, what a fiasco our country is in because of the acceptance of lies and misinformation by the general public, but more importantly by the so-called guardians of moral compass, the press. The idea that today’s leaders get away with open lying, is abominable.
I’m showing my age when I tell you that the deterioration of our society as far as its politics is as low as it can get. I remember my days on the Hill in Washington when a sniff of what’s going on today would bring the wrath of God down upon the perpetrators by their fellow members in congress. Those days are gone because of the corrupt nature of todays politics.
Keep up the good work in chronicaling the events of the times in the literate way you do.
Fortunately, others feel the same way about the digression of morality in our politics. In today’s comics in the Projo, Crannkshaft, after seeing a political ad on TV, stated, “now they have truth in lying”. I rest my case.
Yes, you rest a good case, Paul. I remember when politicians had a semblance of class, character, wit, and wisdom. Your uncle, Senator Pastore, was one. My father adored and respected him. How many politicians are respected today?
And now we will get to what I believe may be the low point in my medical career; the appointment of Bobby as Director of HHS. If one, just one person dies because they might believe his anti-vax bull, then let those who voted for him hang their heads.
Well, Well, wountja know; a Texas measles outbreak among those unvaccinated. I believe 2 children have died.
"The outbreak in Gaines County, with a population of about 22,000, has grown since two cases were reported in January. All those who contracted measles were unvaccinated, health officials said, etc. etc..
My Pop's teaching, "Always tell the truth!" "There is honor among thieves, but even a thief can't trust a liar!" This is one of many teachings my Pop provided us with as we were growing up.
Amen. It's what you're supposed to do.
Thank you, Ed, for making a timely and salient point in our current setting of human behavior and reflexive reaction to threatening news, often resulting in the trivia of falling acorns. The “Chicken Little” reflex is usually a hapless but profoundly ingrained phenomenon in human behavior. While this behavior once served instinctively to help us survive, it now leads to unnecessary fear, poor decision-making, and the erosion of rational discourse, compromising our desired integrity. I find the lure of fear-driven narratives part of daily life, and throughout history, this human weakness has been captured in destructive, chaotic outcomes on a national scale. In today’s environment, misinformation is of particular concern spread by the shining oracle represented by the rapidly fear-spreading and forever-present cell phones that fail to facilitate the necessity to combat these tendencies; individuals must cultivate critical thinking skills, recognize cognitive biases, and develop a measured investigative mindset. However, these investigative skills take time to create. They may not be necessary, especially since we have access to a plethora of facts, figures, and publicly available information at our fingertips. If citizens were to follow current events, challenge corruption and hypocrisy, and expand their horizons to keep their finger on the virtual political pulse, a less hypertensive world could be propagated. Or, as in the words of Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski: “XI Thou shalt not be indifferent.”
Thank you, Werner. Your erudite note complements my piece perfectly. What you have written here is important, critical . . . "individuals must cultivate critical thinking skills, recognize cognitive biases, and develop a measured investigative mindset"
Thank you, Ed,
However, attaining transparency and understandability comes at a premium. It often requires overcoming the mysteries of our cerebral functionality, which may even lead into the world of numinosity if one permits such an intuitive leap rarely experienced. But that is a story for another day. Werner
I'll await the story.
Oh Ed. Our minds think alike. I do remember my mom reading all those children''s stories to me. At the time the significance of the story was lost on me. However, the story of poor Chicken Little is a strong metaphor for the values of which you speak. Now it all makes sense. I too, grieve for the loss of those values of character. The news media is much to blame but the biggest influencer of the misguided loss of integrity is social media. That so much misinformation is generated, passed along, and believed through social media without betting is astounding to me.
I pray that somehow we as a nation, and especially our leadership, will wake up to this rouse and return to the values that made this country one of common sense and critical thinking.
John Yuill
Yes, John, I could not agree more. As you, I blame the media for its coverage, or lack thereof, and for the mis/disinformation they spew out. But standing close behind and casting a HUGE shadow are our elected officials, hardly representing those who voted for them. Or so I believe. Unless, of course, those who voted are dis/misinformed. Shame on those so-called representatives, top to bottom.
Where has all that Father to child advice gone?
And discipline? As a good example.
The power of books open the mind, the heart, and the soul. I remain mindful of how they shaped my life and ideals. I, too, can't believe what I'm reading and seeing in the papers and on the screen. Today, a poll said 70% of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the government. I believe there no other explanation other than mass addiction nurtured by social media and implemented by bad actors affecting our country today. It may well be that the 70%, like an addict, may have to reach rock bottom before they realize the damage caused and begin the long road to recovery. May patience and compassion guide us.
Stunning indeed, Larry. Read next week's about book banning and public nudity.
When I ventured into politics, my uncle gave me advice. It’s very simple, he said, no matter what, always do the right thing. Can’t go wrong if you follow that simple advice.
Yes, that old timer said, "Do the right thing, say nothing. Do the wrong thing, worry."
Ed, yes, your grandfather planted a fig tree, which was a labor of love and surely it was returned many times over. The sky is not falling. We are stronger than that. A lot of noise out there and sometimes we have to tune it out.
I wouldn't tune it out, Peter. Just think, Bobby may be appointed Director of HHS. It will represent a low point for me. If one, just one kid dies because the parents believe Bobby, then many will be to blame.
Check this story.
That I agree!
Read the story and it confirms your concerns.
Ed, I knew where you were going with this piece. Well done. I too am puzzled by statements such as we live in a "post-truth" world. A people who cannot tell the difference between truth and lies can be made to believe anything, and to do anything. Very dangerous indeed for a civilized society.
Post-truth? What the hell are they talking about? Truth is Truth.
I agree. very dangerous. Like the possible appointment of Bobby to HHS. Gad!
I used to enjoy Meet the Press…. It drives me crazy when a question is asked of politicians and the answer no where to be heard… instead a rant that goes on and on about nothing to do with the question….. or even worse, I set of “Alternative Facts” …. Thank you Kellyanne Conway!!!
Just awful. Evasion is the mantra. Very sad
Thanks for the lesson in honesty. This world needs it. Great job, Frank
Frank, I cannot believe what people tolerate. Dishonesty, lack of integrity... goodness. We need a touch of that old timer's philosophy.
"Do the right thing."
Actually, we need a lot more than a touch.