It has been some time since I have written a blog, and I appreciate all of you who have been my subscribers.
Well, I am at it again with a New Blog, and I am excited about it.
The stories will be similar … growing up in an ethnic neighborhood in a three-decker home surrounded by family and friends, but with new twists.
I will also be writing about day-to-day experiences, opinions, places to visit, people, book reviews, classes, and even a recipe or two.
It will be a potpourri of stuff, lots of stuff, that will feed off the five books and the many columns I have written over the years.
And there will be lots of room for you to comment and perhaps even be a guest author now and then. Don’t you find that exciting?
So, come along. Let’s have some fun together on the Ed Writes Blog journey.
I got your email!
Off to a good start!